
SOUNDING OFF:Laguna’s openness is welcoming

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Last Saturday, a friend and I went to Main Beach park about 5 p.m. The crowds were unbelievable.

Apparently the announcement on all the major TV networks that Laguna was one of the cleanest beaches on the West Coast had attracted even more people.

At the playlot, near the hotel, a lady was running about frantically looking for her little son. She went to the lifeguard in a new tower and told him. He called two more lifeguards, and they escorted her and a friend in two different directions through the crowds, looking for the little boy.


Within 10 minutes three officers and two beach patrol officers showed up and then through the crowd, a lady came running saying he had been found by his dad.

We walked north and saw people shooting pictures of what must be Laguna’s most photographed landmark, the main lifeguard tower. Its amazing how many photos are taken every day of this structure, which was once a gas station office in the 1920s.

As we walked north up the hill to the gazebo, we saw the new rose garden and the new “no smoking” signs outside the patio of the cafe.

Below the gazebo, a ring of people were laughing and throwing their arms in the air, in the regular meeting of the Laguna Laughter Club. Continuing north to Diver’s Cove, I thought Mr. and Mrs. Heisler would be proud they had given the park to the people of Laguna and that it will soon be refurbished.

Reaching the summer trolley, near Divers Cove, people were talking about the south trolleys being packed to capacity, and crowds waiting for trolley service on that route.

No question our police, lifeguards “” who have made 3,000 rescues the past 12 months “” and trolleys are under strain, but thank God, it was a green flag day and ideal for swimming and safety.

The mix of people we saw showed again we are the most open society in Orange County and one of the world’s most beautiful places to walk, and when you walk, you might meet a neighbor, a new friend or even a dog.
