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Joseph Bell’s reflections on the documentary about what the Bible has to say about homosexuality is flawed at one point (Bible movie calls for total equality,” Oct. 11). He refers to the “conventional literal biblical view of homosexuality.”

I think I know what position on homosexuality he is referring to, but New Testament scholars, such as Richard B. Hays of Duke University, would be surprised to hear that his position that the Bible does not condone homosexual practice is a “literal” view.

Frankly, there are no “literal” interpretations of the Bible. All are informed by certain presuppositions that are brought to the text.


If Bell means by “literal” that which the original author of the biblical text had in mind, that might wash. But beyond that, the theological assumptions that guide the reader in his or her interpretation of the text, whether Ms. Voss’ or Professor Hays’ (or Dr. Dobson, for that matter), preclude a “literal” interpretation.

Again, I’m not sure what Bell means by this phrase, but if he means by it what I think he means by it, and if such an idea even made sense, it would be wise to avoid a blind date with the woman described in the Song of Songs.


Costa Mesa


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