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I find myself appalled and deeply saddened by the fact that people would go to the effort to resist a show of love and support for this young woman, Sara Noel Harris.

What kind of self righteous, sanctimonious thinking feels it is OK to be critical of someone who is gone?

People die every day from things that they could have or should have known might be dangerous.


Think about it.

Eating meat if you have high cholesterol or heart problems. Smoking when you know it’s harmful.

How often do we hear about someone dying and ask more detail about their passing, not necessarily because we care but because we want to see if they have anything in common with us. Did they do something we would know not to do so we can think to ourselves, “maybe that is why they are gone” with a silent “it couldn’t happen to me” afterthought.

Here’s a thought that may shock some of those who decided to look at this circumstance and bring out the wagging finger of shame to cast negativity on a tragic situation: You’ll die too, someday.

Yes, I hate to be the one to break it to you , but your physical body will one day cease to exist. And when that happens, whether it’s because you were struck by lightning or you forgot to fasten your seat belt, you will die and it could come from something you could have prevented.

Your loved ones will be grieving and traumatized. And when that time comes, do you want them to feel love and support? Or would you want insensitive people casting you in an unfavorable light to make their grieving harder than it already is?

You know the answer. We all know the answer. Treat others the way you would like to be treated.

For those of you who feel passionately about your belief that alcohol may have been a factor, perhaps your energy would be better spent in a positive way like volunteering for MADD instead of causing further pain to a grieving family and community.



Drake’s waffling was not his and his alone

What a hoot!

After the announcement of the appointment of Erwin Chemerinsky as the dean of the newly established Law School at UCI, 1) The Yachts in front of the Balboa Bay Club sank to the bottom; 2) Ferraris and Lamborghinis in Newport Coast wouldn’t start; 3) the putting greens at Newport County Club all turned brown.

In light of the above, we are now asked to believe that Chancellor Michael Drake’s waffling on the matter was solely the product of his own thoughts and actions and not the consequences of pressure from troglodytes in our midst with the finest minds of the 19th century.

If you believe that scenario, I own a bridge in Brooklyn I would like to sell you. Give me a break!


Newport Beach
