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In the midst of devastating wildfires still raging around us during the worst fire season in California history, South Coast Plaza has hoisted a 96-foot-tall white fir in Town Center Park to signal the holidays are here.

It’s no surprise; the Christmas tree erection is an annual disturbance to our daily routines — the first big local event early in the season that makes us stop and think about pending happy times when (those who are lucky) will be gathered with family and friends.

It makes us think of days we’ll have off from our jobs (those who have them) to celebrate the fruits of our labors and, maybe, enjoy a spiritual moment of gratitude.


But this year, the tree delivery seems an absurd ritual.

The magnificent tree down the street was 60 years old when it was cut down near Mt. Shasta and trucked here. It might have lived another 100 years and grown another 100 feet.

Isn’t it ironic that decomposing Christmas trees strewn with aging strands of holiday lights are the cause of hundreds of conflagrations every year? Last year a Newport Beach family opening presents on Christmas morning barely escaped the blaze with the clothes on their backs.

When you make your way over to the tree at Town Center Park, take a moment to appreciate its real value.
