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Sen. Tom Harman (“UCI research center leads fuel cell frontier,” Nov. 16), writes, “In the near future, Californians may be able to purchase fuel cells for use in their homes.”

In this regard, UCI does in fact state on its pertinent website that “Individual California residents may be able to purchase fuel cells for their homes in the near future.”

Notwithstanding, UCI goes on to state, “However, it is unlikely that anyone will ever have a fuel cell in their back yard for personal use.”


Interestingly, UCI also describes a hybrid technology that sends hot exhaust gas vented from electricity producing fuel cells to a turbine, thereby generating additional electricity.

Importantly, several classes of fuel cells work better at higher temperatures.

Additionally, the extra energy so created can be stored in batteries or transferred to flywheels.

Further, while natural gas may be used in a home fuel cell, the gas must be converted to hydrogen, adding to the complexity of the set-up.

Thus, it is apparent that few homeowners will purchase fuel cells for home use and that our nation’s need for energy independence will not be met by glib promises of fuel cells in every home.

Unfortunately, some of our elected officials brag about their 100% approval rating by the California Chamber of Commerce yet refuse to support legislation mandating energy efficiency or meaningful tax incentives for non-carbon based electricity.

In my opinion, we need less happy talk and more realism from our politicians.


Huntington Beach

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