
CHASING DOWN THE MUSE: A season of glory in Laguna

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Glo-o-o-o-o”¦ glo-o-o-o-o”¦ glo-o-o-o-o-oria!


traditional French Christmas carol

Laguna Beach by dawn is icy cold and clear on this mid-December morning as I walk along Main Beach. Another glorious day! We have had quite a few lately. Some rain to clear the air for a bit, followed by sunny, cool, crisp, breezy days, pretty darned nice, I say.

We live in troubling times, it is true, but, then, when has this not been so? If we stay in awareness, there is always trouble. And there is always joy in the corners. We need only look.

Water glistens on wet sand as the sun rises in the east. Doctor Bill dives into the icy cold water, making me smile and shiver a bit as well. Hands clutch the warmth of a coffee cup in the hands of an intrepid walker along the boardwalk. Gulls mingle and laugh.

Smiles and hugs, and laughter rings out as friends meet in the morning air. All will soon move into their busy days “” even busier with the holiday season upon us.


In these early morning hours things seem very right in this world.

And, even as I know that all is not always right, I find myself choosing to look in the corners for joy, to seek it out once again as I merrily chase after my muse.

I know I have said it many times, many ways before in this column space, but there are reasons always to say it anew. What better time than now during this holiday season?

CHERRIL DOTY is a creative living coach, writer and artist who lives and works in Laguna Beach. She can be reached at or by phone at (949) 251-3883.
