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The winter storms will be upon us with seas up to 8 feet and winds gusting to 25 knots for the first weekend in 2008. This will be a perfect time for all boaters to double check their New Year’s resolutions, or make a few.

I thought it would help if I listed some resolutions that you can use. First and foremost is to go boating more often. Get out on the water and enjoy the nation’s most popular family recreational activity. While you are planning to go boating, how about introducing someone to boating?

Second, review the rules on the water, both inland and international. You use inland rules when boating inside Newport Harbor, and you use international rules in the ocean after passing the line of demarcation at the end of the jetty entrances.


If you are new to boating or unfamiliar with the rules, take a course or hire an instructor.

Another resolution is to check your vessel’s safety equipment, and be certain you have the required safety equipment aboard. You can go to the California Department of Boating and Waterways website at and click on Laws and Regulations, then open the publication “ABCs of the California Boating Law.” Chapter 9 lists the required equipment, and you will find this booklet very informative in easy-to-understand language for boaters. “The more you know about boating and boating laws, the safer and more enjoyable your boating experiences will be,” Ray Tsuneyoshi, director of Cal-Boating, writes in the opening letter.

I leave you with this last resolution, though I am sure you can think of many more: Get involved in helping to promote and protect recreational boating.

You start by helping to lobby for funding to dredge the lower bay, home port to more than 9,000 vessels. You are especially needed to help protect water access by supporting the Marina Park project and the newly city-acquired Castaways land.

Lastly, show your support for the many boating events from the Newport Harbor Christmas Boat Parade, to the Newport-to-Ensenada race, to the many boating programs in our harbor including the Sea Scout base.

Remember to tune in every Saturday at 11 a.m. to Capt. Mike Whitehead’s Boathouse Radio Show, broadcasting from our studios inside Angel Stadium on AM 830.

Safe Voyages in 2008!

MIKE WHITEHEAD is the Pilot’s boating columnist. Send marine-related thoughts and story suggestions to or go to
