
Naked stalker sentenced

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A man found inside Nicolas Cage’s home wearing nothing but one of the actor’s jackets pleaded guilty to felony stalking Thursday, authorities said.

Robert Dennis Furo, 45, of San Pedro received credit for time served and will be in a 30-day lockdown at a hospital before entering into a sober-living rehabilitation home in Tustin for up to five months as part of his plea deal, according to Furo’s attorney, Jack Kayajanian.

Furo will also be placed on three years’ formal probation as part of the plea.

“I am ecstatic with the result,” Kayajanian said. “This works out very favorably for him.”

Kayajanian commended Cage’s lawyers for being cooperative and said they were pleased with the result.


Furo was allegedly abusing prescription drugs at the time of the incident, including Vicodin, Kayajanian said.

The charge of residential burglary was dropped in favor of the stalking felony.

“Burglars don’t walk into houses and take their clothes off,” Kayajanian said.

Kayajanian described the sentence as a “floater,” which means that if Furo demonstrates good behavior during the first year since sentencing, the felony can be reduced to a misdemeanor.

Cage found Furo in his home, wearing only a jacket on Oct. 1. Cage escorted the man outside, and police responded to a call from a Bayshore complex security guard at 1:27 a.m. and found Furo naked in the actor’s backyard at 2 a.m., according to police.

DANIEL TEDFORD may be reached at (714) 966-4632 or at DANIEL TEDFORD may be reached at (714) 966-4632 or at
