
MAILBAG - Jan. 31, 2008

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Success stories abound for charity program

I was thrilled to read the article about the film “Jinotega Vibra: The Making of a Film Festival” and Circulo de Amigas in Jinotega, Nicaragua (“Just another nutty idea,” Jan. 17).

I have seen the film and been involved in Circulo for five years, sponsoring a young girl for her educational pursuits and exchanging letters with her and her family.


She will be 15 this year and with our support has completed her second year in high school.

We know she will graduate from high school and, hopefully, enter college.

The existence of Circulo de Amigas has greatly enriched the lives of the sponsored girls and their families as well as the entire community of Barrio Linda Vista Sur.

Success stories are many: girls in large families whose parents have barely a third-grade education now attend high school, many are in college, and quite a few have graduate degrees and are gainfully employed, all owing to the “little sewing project” founder Pat McCully berthed 25 years ago.

I am blessed to be able to participate in this project. For more details about Circulo de Amigas, see the Circulo website at


Fountain Valley

Independence shown in article is inspiring

My gratitude and respect for the clear and accurate article by Michael Alexander with Kent Treptow photos highlighting Circulo de Amigas and our very indie film, Jinotega Vibra (“Just another nutty idea,” Jan. 17).

In one quick story, they captured the essence of the movie project and Circulo.

Circulo de Amigas is based on self-sufficiency. Basic funding is for scholarship support.

It is just enough to allow a family to keep their child in school.

Supported students must hew to performance criteria. Some sponsors go above and beyond the basics and provide funds for housing improvements or even medical care.

Patricia McCully has also sown two new businesses for the people of the Barrio, and we are working on more. It is inspiring to see families become stronger and more independent with the help of Circulo de Amigas sponsors.

I would like to encourage Huntington Beach citizens to offer Nicaraguans a hand up by contacting Circulo through The people of Jinotega love their hometown in the “beautiful green valley high in the mountains” and appreciate the help.

Jinotega Vibra screened on Friday in Fillmore and generated many laughs and some tears. We thank the Independent for its fine coverage.

