
SURFING SOAPBOX: It’s the little things

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The sun rose this morning over the hillside at exactly 7:54 a.m. with blistering rays of sunlight so bright I had to close my blinds before sitting down and writing my column.

It’s a nippy 48 degrees right now with a small breath of cold wind. After the rains the hillsides are once again a vibrant green. Driving through the canyon is a beautiful sight, especially when considering that a little farther out one can see the snow-covered mountain tops.

Laguna will always remain in a moving forward process, but what in life doesn’t? The hand of time will forever remain ticking ahead.


However, for all of its changes “” additions and subtractions “” one thing remains unchanged in this town. The beauty of it remains fully intact.

People and environmentally conscious groups have kept our green and blue belts the signifying beauty that makes our town one of the picturesque wonders of the world.

The wind of change continues to howl, but deep down the heart of this town remains. The original Greeter has been gone for decades and every so often a new one comes along and tries to take his place. In my mind there’s no replacing the original Greeter.

The Greeter stood on street corners and waved to all those who passed by with a smile on his face, like a one-man welcoming committee.

True acts of kindness remain alive and well here in Laguna, like the man who gave me free firewood at the Laguna Auto Supply or the woman at Ganahl lumber who let me buy 10 light bulbs, even thought there was a five light bulb limit.

Little acts of kindness go a long way in life. Peace.

JAMES PRIBRAM is a Laguna Beach native, professional surfer and founder of the Aloha School of Surfing. He can be reached at Jamo@Alohaschoolof
