
Kids let it all out in the bunker

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Ski Week at Laguna Beach schools ushered in a special treat at the Laguna Beach Boys & Girls Clubs: bunker ball.

Also known as speedball, the game is a less genteel form of juvenile anger management, beloved by boys and girls alike.

Technically, it’s a curious blend of capture the flag and dodgeball, set on a basketball court.


Each team of kids must attempt to breach the other team’s rubber bunker setup and steal a plastic ring safeguarded behind a hockey net. Sounds easy, until dozens of fast-flying rubber balls and zealous kids are thrown into the mix.

Kids who are hit by a ball are “out” — usually only in a rules-of-the-game sense.

“Bunker ball is the kids’ favorite game,” Athletic Director Hans Laroche said. “They really enjoy it.”

The game was long-standing when Laroche appeared on the scene five years ago, but he said he has made his own modifications to spice things up.

“It’s fun to interact with your friends and all the balls,” said Brandon Owens, 11. “It gets your anger out.”

“I usually hit a lot of people because I throw really fast,” said Grant Morel, 10. “Whenever people throw it at my legs, I try to dive the opposite way.”

“The objective of bunker ball is that you have little walls that you can hide behind,” explained Cameron Aragon, 8.

“You pass the half-court line and then your team gets a point. You win when you bring the ring back.”

Often Anastasia (Stacy) Pellecchia, 14, plays DJ instead of playing the game, selecting hard-pumping music to get the kids even more wired.

“Whenever it’s on, we rush through the whole thing,” Cameron said. He looked over his shoulder for Laroche.

“You have to play fair,” he said. “You’re not allowed to run. We don’t run unless no one’s looking.”
