
Republican candidate to challenge Rohrabacher

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Rep. Dana Rohrabacher isn’t just facing a challenge from Democratic Huntington Beach Mayor Debbie Cook this year — a new candidate has emerged from the right to challenge the Congressman’s conservative credentials on immigration.

Ronald R. St. John, a Huntington Beach property rights lawyer, has thrown his hat into the GOP primary race, saying he finds many of Rohrabacher’s public remarks on immigration to be “downright embarrassing” and out of touch with true conservative principles.

“Most of the other issues are ones where I tend to agree with Dana,” he said. “But the immigration issue is one issue facing Congress where I think it would be a good idea for there to be some additional Republican voices standing up for this position.”


“I would feel better if [my candidacy] helps to promote the dialogue and let some of the new immigrants that are pro-business, who believe that you shouldn’t get punished when you succeed, pursue their conservative principles,” he added. “I think that it’s a mistake to sort of push them toward Democrats just by making them feel unwelcome.”

St. John acknowledges his candidacy is a long-shot, but said he looked forward to the challenge.

— Chris Caesar
