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The Lord is risen, alleluia!

This is the holiest of days in Christendom, because on this day, Jesus conquered death and rose to life. The day of resurrection is celebrated each Sunday, but Easter Sunday has a special significance, and today we rejoice.

“By his resurrection he consecrated Sunday, or the Lord’s day,” says St. Augustine.

We remember also that there would be no Easter Sunday without a Good Friday. Jesus first had to suffer and die.

On Holy Saturday, Jesus descended into hell, unlocking the gates of death as it were. Jesus shows us that love is stronger than death.


An ancient author writes, “The passion of our Savior is the salvation of mankind.

“The reason why he desired to die for us was that he wanted us who believe in him to live forever.

“In the fullness of time it was his will to become what we are, so that we might inherit the eternity he promised and live with him forever.”

I was blessed to spend Holy Week and Easter Week in the Holy Land two years ago, where many events in the life of Jesus had a profound effect on me.

Pondering upon the events leading to his death caused me sadness. And rightly so, since he took the weight of my sins on his shoulders.

On Easter Sunday I rejoiced, not unlike the women and apostles did almost 2,000 years ago.

In his homily for the Easter Vigil last year, Pope Benedict XVI said, “Only the Risen Christ can bring us to complete union with God, to the place where our own powers are unable to bring us.

“Truly Christ puts the lost sheep upon his shoulders and carries it home.

“Clinging to his Body we have life, and in communion with his Body we reach the very heart of God.

“Only thus is death conquered, we are set free and our life is hope.”

May we follow the advice of Saint Paul and “set our hearts on heavenly things, not the things that are on earth.”

FATHER STEPHEN DOKTORCZYK is a priest at St. Joachim Church in Costa Mesa.
