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Rep. John Campbell is calling out Sen. Hillary Clinton and other Democrats to help launch the aptly named “Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is,” bill.

Meant more as a political hand grenade lobbed across the aisle rather than an olive branch, Campbell’s bill would allow people to make voluntary donations to the federal government above and beyond their normal tax liability.

Campbell said he wrote the bill in response to arguments from the New York presidential hopeful that Americans should pay more taxes.


Campbell invited Clinton to help launch the bill at a news conference in Washington, D.C. today after she said recently that she and other Americans didn’t want or need the Bush administration’s tax cuts.

“If Warren Buffett or Hillary Clinton think we should pay more taxes, then they should lead by example,” he said. “If you’re so opposed to the Bush tax cuts, reject them and pay that additional money.”

There’s no word yet on whether Clinton will take the offer to be part of the event.

The senator was busy working crowds in Pennsylvania on Wednesday in preparation for an April 22 primary, according to The Associated Press.


Newport Beach Councilman Keith Curry is looking to the Ivy-covered halls of Harvard for new solutions to local problems. Curry attended a weeklong class at Harvard University last week on improving performance in government along with more than 50 other leaders and scholars from across the country and eight foreign countries.

Curry said he hoped the class, which he attended at no expense to local taxpayers, would help him as Newport Beach looks at different ways to measure its performance in areas such as providing residents with clean drinking water and managing traffic.


Jim Gilchrist, the Minuteman Project founder who called Costa Mesa Councilman Allan Mansoor’s tenure as mayor a “dream come true,” will receive the annual “Damn Those Conservatives!” award presented by conservative writer Ann Coulter this evening in Washington, D.C.

The presentation is part of an annual event sponsored by the Media Research Center, a Virginia-based organization that documents what it says is a liberal bias in the media. Gilchrist’s particular honor refers to his maverick conservative credentials, such as his controversial endorsement of former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee’s presidential bid, that distinguish him from other activists.


Orange County Board of Supervisors Chairman John Moorlach will break bread with the Newport Harbor Republican Women on April 17 at Five Crowns Restaurant, 3801 East Coast Hwy. Mingling will commence at 11:30 a.m., with lunch at 11:45 a.m. The meal costs $26. Call Sue Bennitt by Monday at (949) 644-0539 for reservations or questions.

BRIANNA BAILEY may be reached at (714) 966-4625 or at CHRIS CAESAR may be reached at (714) 966-4626 or at
