
Oprah invites local Norma Jean

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Some people don’t need to mention their last names to be famous.

In fact, first names were the order of the day when local actress and women’s rights advocate Norma Jean shared the couch with Oprah on Wednesday at a taping for a future episode of the popular TV show.

Following her recent makeover and appearance on TLC’s “10 Years Younger,” the Costa Mesa resident was one of eight people selected by Oprah Winfrey to appear in a “big re-reveal” on her program.

“The producers are telling me I was her No. 1 pick for my advocacy to help women and my fight against domestic violence,” Norma Jean said.


After a double eye lift, veneers on her top teeth, chin reconstruction and Botox injections, all courtesy of the “10 Years Younger” show, Norma Jean said she no longer saw the face that had been battered when she looked in the mirror.

Norma Jean hoped exposure from the makeover show would result in invitations from high schools, colleges and women’s groups wanting her to come speak about what she’d been through, but said the Oprah invitation was completely unexpected.

“I’m shocked, nervous, excited, crying ... everything you can imagine.”

With a few touch-ups from the plastic surgeon, Norma Jean was off to Chicago, where she spent Monday being fitted for outfits and shoes for the taping. She’s once again been given an opportunity to have a national voice and exposure to a large audience where she can share her message of hope.

“Ironically, I just finished composing a 45-minute lecture that I will present soon for Women Helping Women. Of course, I’m taking a copy with me to Oprah.”

SUE THOENSEN may be reached at (714) 966-4627 or at
