
1 Atelier Appeal May 20

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May 08

RE: Montage Residential Estates and Blue Lagoon Community.Appeal May 20th before City Council

Blue Lagoon has three ongoing issues between Montage and Blue Lagoon

1) Blue Lagoon as a community has sent over 30 certified letters to the City of Laguna Beach, employed a legal copy service, obtained over 3,000 documents, and has requested the following with no avail:(documents available upon request)

a. City stamped approved grading plans for the Montage Development.

b. Conditions of approval for the Montage Development.

c. City engineers stamp of approval regarding the grading being in compliance.

2) Blue Lagoon and Athens Group entered into a landscape agreement between the two communities on November 8, 2001. The agreement was not implemented, and continues to be ignored regarding maintenance and view preservation.


3) Blue Lagoon was promised publicly in 2000 by Greg Vail (the Planning Commission City of LB) to our President at the time Nicky Johnson that the owners in Blue Lagoon would have the right to participate in the Design Review process in regards to heights of each individual home to be built in the Residential Estates directly affecting the owners views in Blue Lagoon, since have not been afforded that opportunity as of yet.

Blue Lagoon continues to fight for what was promised at the time.

The continued presentation is that “all of this was decided prior” therefore position is that further public participation is not allowed due to purported undocumented agreements.

Blue Lagoon takes the position as any other citizen in Laguna Beach for view preservation rights.

Blue Lagoon owners have signed a petition requesting the lowering of heights.

The design for Montage homes will not be affected by a roof being lowered by 3 feet as requested at the Design Review meeting April 10th, but could help over 16 affected owners in Blue Lagoon.

Blue Lagoon as a community will go before City Council May 20th and request the Council members to honor our views as much as 1 Atelier home to be built.

Blue Lagoon continues to experience view loss due to homes already built, existing unremoved and unmaintained vegetation, in addition to proposed excessive height homes.

Blue Lagoon owners are not only experiencing view loss, but also the sound of the waves due to muffling of buildings and vegetation.

The original Environmental Report stated.”Even with single story homes, Blue Lagoon will be significantly adversely affected.” Blue Lagoon at that time looked over the roof tops of small trailers.

Blue Lagoon sees this as an opportunity for the City of Laguna Beach to preserve the views of owners in Blue Lagoon that are affected, with no loss to Montage estates.
