
Clinton supporters rally in Newport

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Despite mounting campaign debts and disappearing delegates, Hillary Clinton supporters who flocked to see the presidential hopeful at a closed-door event Thursday evening at the Balboa Bay Club & Resort said they’re not ready to give up on her.

“If you saw her talk tonight, you’d know she’s not ready to drop out,” said longtime Clinton supporter Jeanne O’Grady. The San Clemente resident said she was attracted to the candidate because of her practical experience.

O’Grady said Clinton seemed as committed as ever to staying in the race at the event. Clinton told supporters she could still take enough states to win the Democratic nomination during the rally, she said.


More than 200 Clinton supporters, plunked down between $150 to $2,300 per head to see the presidential hopeful at a no-press-allowed rally at the luxury resort in the heart of Republican Orange County.

“She needs to stay in the race and take it the whole way,” said Clinton supporter Sharron Powell as she exited the private VIP reception. Powell, of San Juan Capistrano, shook Clinton’s hand at the event.

“She can’t give up,” she said. “She has a heart for people.”

Clinton supporters, most women, many of them middle-age, clutching designer handbags and glasses of wine, waited in a line that snaked down the halls of the Balboa Bay Club to enter the larger rally after the reception.

“She looks beautiful and so gracious — I was thrilled to meet her,” said Clinton supporter Sandra Clement, of Anaheim Hills. Clement had Clinton autograph her copy of her book “It Takes a Village: And Other Lessons Children Teach Us” during the reception.

The Clinton campaign, with debts estimated at more than $20 million, could use a shot in the arm from Orange County donors. The candidate has raised about $1 million in Orange County this election cycle, according to the most recent data available from the Center for Responsive Politics.

Clinton also was scheduled to appear later Thursday evening at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza in Los Angeles, according to her website.

Do you think Sen. Clinton should drop out of the race? E-mail us at or leave a comment on our website.

BRIANNA BAILEY may be reached at (714) 966-4625 or at
