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As the humanitarian crisis worsened in Myanmar’s delta region after a powerful cyclone hit on May 3, a response team of four specially trained volunteers moved into devastated areas on Thursday to distribute more than 800 Shelter Box containers.

Shelter Box, a grass-roots disaster relief organization supported by Rotary clubs worldwide — including those in District 5320 — was among the first charities to reach victims.

The first deployment of Shelter Boxes benefited more than 10,000 survivors. Each container provides a tent, stove, water purification kit, blankets, tools and other necessities to help a family of 10 survive for six months. Some boxes include two 10-person tents, doubling the usual shelter capacity.


Beth Palmer, executive director of Shelter Box USA, has noticed an increase in online contributions and says her phone has been “ringing off the hook” as Rotary club members have called to donate.

Shelter Box started in 2000 as a project of the Helston-Lizard Rotary Club and quickly garnered support among Rotary clubs worldwide.

For more information or to donate toward the purchase of a Shelter Box, visit


I thought Jim Righeimer’s column “$4 a gallon: We did it to ourselves” was right on target. The only thing left out of the column was the contact information for California Sens. Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein. Boxer’s Washington Office number is (202) 224-3553; fax (202) 224-0454; e-mail Feinstein’s Washington Office number is (202) 224-3841; fax (202) 228-3954.

Please contact them either to thank them for opposing drilling for oil and nuclear power and for the high energy and gas prices or demand that they vote to allow for U.S. oil drilling and construction of new nuclear power plants to reduce the dependence upon foreign energy.

For it has been Boxer, Feinstein, their fellow Democrat senators and a few stray Republican senators who have held up the passage of the comprehensive energy policy proposed by President Bush and passed by the House of Representatives in recent years.

Make those calls!


Thought for the Day as provided by Greg Kelley of the Newport Mesa Irvine Interfaith Council:

“People often say that, in a democracy, decisions are made by a majority of the people. Of course, that is not true. Decisions are made by a majority of those who make themselves heard and who vote — a very different thing.”

COMMUNITY & CLUBS is published Saturdays. Send your service club’s meeting information by fax to (714) 921-8655 or by e-mail to
