
SOUNDING OFF: City lacks integrity in handling of Athens

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Editor’s Note: The following letter was addressed to Kathy Lottes, city planning consultant for Athens Group’s proposed redevelopment of the Aliso Creek Inn and Golf Course, and the former Driftwood Estates property.


We citizens of Hobo-Aliso banded together a couple of years ago and managed to prevent the disaster of the Driftwood Estates being developed. We are now in the process of preventing a similar disaster in the properties of the old Driftwood Estates and the incredibly beautiful Aliso Canyon area; both of which are now owned by the Athens Group, a mega business that built the Montage [Resort & Spa].

The Montage was a disaster in its own right because the planners assumed all their employees would come to work by commercial bus lines. Further, this “distinguished group” didn’t worry about questionable legality of the 13-hour-a-day seven-day-a-week work week. Worse than that was the effect that had on the residents at Blue Lagoon and across Coast Highway, between Nyes Place and Wesley Drive, who had to put up with the incessant noise of the powerful backup beeps on the heavy equipment they used. This caused daytime stress that often could not be relieved at night and seemed to be endless.


When some of us went to City Hall to check the legality of all this, we were individually stonewalled effectively enough that we gave up on the whole business and came away realizing City Hall cannot be trusted when it sniffs the delicious fragrance of money. Neither can the Athens Group, who suddenly found that Treasure Island Park was going to cost $7 million more than the quoted $2 million, and later that they had made no plans to provide for employee parking.

This leads one to think there is something rotten in the state of Laguna. Could greed be raising its ugly head? Or lust for power? Or total lack of interest in what the citizens care about, such as preserving the habitat, limiting the density of people, modifying air and noise pollution, and preserving our infrastructure.

The Athens Group thinks “big,” and the city thinks “revenue,” but building homes on the side of a canyon wall is just plain stupid for all the reasons stated above, and I didn’t even mention the earthquake and fire potential.

Laguna used to be a quiet little beach town with majestic views, clean water, citizen-owned businesses that served the residents, and a few wealthy people. When I moved here 47 years ago Top of the World was bare of all but a few houses that didn’t have sewer lines or a fire house. There was also a great old, weather-beaten country store taking up valuable space smack on Coast Highway that we loved and patronized often.

I salute the Montage for finally becoming involved, and giving away money and hiring the disabled. I am sure all of us are also grateful for Treasure Island Park. But I dread to think of what it will be like if this fancy transformation of Aliso Canyon takes place while I’m still living here. I also question the integrity of both City Hall and its indulgent ally, the Athens Group, and I wonder whether they have the potential to give consideration to the suggestions of citizens who care deeply about the town we live in. I also wonder if they would be willing to act upon our recommendations. I suspect that this time “We the People” will decide what we find acceptable and right for us and the planet, because we can no longer be herded like the goats on our hills.

LYN CHEVLI lives in Laguna Beach.
