
Simply the best: Dwyer Middle School honors faculty member

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Cheers erupted at the Dwyer Middle School Sports Banquet as Mr. Lynn Arnold, a long time science teacher and athletics coach, received his award of appreciation last Thursday evening.

This special award was presented by one of Arnold’s former students, Alyssa Shapiro, who returned to Dwyer this year to be the assistant coach the girl’s basketball teams. This unique award, sponsored by Duke’s Huntington Beach and The Waterfront Hilton, was awarded to Arnold for his ongoing dedication and support to Dwyer Middle School over the past thirty years.

Aside from being an outstanding teacher who has the unique ability of being a great educator while making the learning experience memorable and fun, Arnold is also an outstanding coach. He has coached every sport, both girls and boys, that middle school has to offer. Arnold started out the year coaching eighth grade girl’s basketball. He then went on to coach sixth, seventh, and eighth grade boy’s basketball, as well and sixth, seventh, and eighth grade boy’s soccer. He just finished up the track season, taking on both the girls and boys divisions. He has not just coached these teams, but rather transformed the Dwyer athletics program as a whole. Nearly every team he coached this year has gone to finals.


Anyone who knows Arnold is well aware of just how much passion and commitment he has to helping these children succeed, not only in sports and school, but in life. He would do just about anything for his students and is always willing to lend a hand. This award was a great way for the community to say “thank you” to this outstanding educator and mentor.
