
Boys Chorus to regale East Asia

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Three dozen 11- to 14-year-old local boys will spend a good portion of their summer in East Asia, thousands of miles from their parents, singing for crowds of foreign faces as part of the All-American Boys Chorus.

And despite natural disasters and human rights controversies that have affected millions in the region during the past few months and the area’s completely foreign languages and cultures, the children making the voyage don’t seem the slightest bit worried — a testament to the confidence that the choir’s leadership instills in parents and kids alike.

The boys do have their concerns, though, which they air during staff presentations following each rehearsal. Lisa McAdoo, the mother of 13-year-old Alex McAdoo, who is going on his first international trip with the Costa Mesa-based choir, said the kids mostly want to know whether they’ll be able to find McDonald’s in China and where they can charge their Game Boys.


“Buying swords is a high priority for a lot of them,” McAdoo said with calm resignation.

Full story to come later today.

ALAN BLANK may be reached at (714) 966-4623 or at
