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Why does the Daily Pilot refer to the dedicated park as “the land near the library” or some other euphemism, instead of as a public park? Promises were made.

Seymour Beek is a lone voice fighting for keeping our park land. It is very precious. His family has a long, distinguished history in Newport Beach, always struggling against developer commercial interests.

Can you imagine New Yorkers permitting a large building in Central Park?

Why do we say private developer interest? Who do you suppose will develop the land where the present City Hall sits? Who is supplying the money to deprive the community of the park? What we need is a dedicated investigative reporter.


Mark these words. There will be an apartment building or some other commercial development where our City Hall now sits. More traffic.

Save our park, Beek. Looking forward to checking out a book and enjoying reading it in the refreshing peace and quiet of a lovely park.

We support Mr. Beek in his struggle.

To quote Jane Goodall, world renowned scientist, “when it comes to thinking about our ecological footprint, how can we make them lighter…”

When asked what you can do she says “never give up, sometimes write letters.”

So this is our letter. A little thing to protest a big mistake.


Newport Beach

‘Great Park’ has been great waste of money

I may no longer be an Orange County resident, but I am still a federal taxpayer and a constituent of Sen. Barbara Boxer.

Therefore, I am appalled to learn that she is considering using federal tax dollars for Irvine’s “Great Park.”

Back in March 2002, Measure W proponents promised no new taxes would pay for this park! They should be forced to keep their promise!

In addition, the Orange County Grand Jury has ripped on the “Great Park” board for secrecy and poor management.

So why should the “Great Park” board be trusted with any more money? Especially our money?

However, I am all for preserving the existing parks within California that suffer from a maintenance backlog! In fact, The National Trust for Historic Preservation recently declared California’s 278-park system to be one of the nation’s most vulnerable landmarks due to budget cuts.

That is what Boxer should be earmarking federal funds for, not some conceptual make-believe “Great Park” that has so far wasted $200 million and has nothing to show for it, except a tacky orange balloon that has been grounded by the Federal Aviation Administration for safety violations.


