
SOUNDING OFF: City policies causing business downturn

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As a Woods Cove “local,” I share our City Council’s concern with the proliferation of certain businesses close to a residential area.

For example, we don’t need a fourth rehab sanitarium for drunks and narcos taking the place of an existing senior housing.

However, I do not see government logic in “restricting” by ordinance new tattoo parlors citywide. Or is government logic an oxymoron ?


The state and county already have a plethora of restrictions on this artistic industry.

What happened to the art colony?

Laguna’s over-reaching government has created the most dramatic business recession in our city’s history.

Laguna by its meddlesome planning and regulation structure has emptied all four restaurants from Jolly Roger on Coast Highway south. The Forest Avenue Cedar Creek eatery is also a huge vacancy loss to our local business climate. And of course we have the now five-year empty business spaces on Broadway; because the council with its omnipotent business insights didn’t want a national chain to contribute to the economy. The result of our council’s socialist planning for local business [types], via a draconian regulation philosophy, has reaped the harvest of multiple empty structures.

Perhaps the solution, like deteriorating Detroit, can cover all the empty business spaces with art?

PAUL MERRITT lives in Laguna Beach. PAUL MERRITT lives in Laguna Beach.
