
Bill to keep H.B. display sign gets first approval

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A bill by State Sen. Tom Harman that would protect the prominent digital display for auto dealership advertisements that stands next to the 405 Freeway was passed through a key committee Wednesday.

The Assembly Governmental Organizational Committee voted to approve Senate Bill 227, which exempts the sign from rules the California Department of Transportation said it was violating in 2007. If ultimately passed by the legislature, it would allow the sign, which has stood at Beach Boulevard and the freeway since 1992, to stay put.

The sign is mostly used by the Huntington Beach Auto Dealers Assn., the group of auto dealerships in the city. Public service announcements also run on the sign. Harman called it a major step for local business.


“This is a real victory for my hometown of Huntington Beach,” he said. “The Boulevard of Cars is one of the biggest economic drivers in the city, and the marquee sign is vital to generating publicity for the Boulevard. I’m so pleased that the committee voted in support to save the sign that means so much to the city’s economy.”

— Michael Alexander
