
Citizen group seek to inform locals

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The citizens group behind this year’s successful Measure B campaign claims it wants to get more Newport Beach residents involved in local politics.

Several well-known Newporters previously associated with the now-defunct City Hall in the Park are among the founding members of the new group Citizens for a Better Newport.

“We want to see if we can get more citizen involvement in Newport,” said Citizens for a Better Newport member Ron Hendrickson, who also was involved with the City Hall in the Park campaign. Hendrickson said his work with the City Hall campaign revealed to him just how many Newport residents were not informed on local issues.


“We’ve found that there’s a lot of people who are not tuned in with what is going on,” Hendrickson said. “They’re just trying to make a buck and make sure their kids are properly educated. We’re looking for ways to get more people involved with what our City Council is doing.”

The group’s ranks include the former chairman of the paint manufacturer Behr Process Corp. and owner of The Cannery restaurant Jack Croul.

Croul was the major financial backer of the Measure B campaign earlier this year.

The retired businessman came under scrutiny after he donated about $670,000 to the City Hall in the Park campaign — several hundred thousand dollars more than the opposition group was able to raise.

Some critics attributed the successful passage of Measure B, which requires Newport’s next city hall to be built on a chunk of city-owned land in Newport Center, to Croul’s donations.

Croul said he hopes the Citizens for a Better Newport will be a positive force for change in the city.

“We’re not pleased with the direction the City Council goes on a lot of issues, and we need a forum,” Croul said. “We’re a sort of loyal opposition.”

The group has already posted its views on a variety of issues on its website, Among other things, the group advocates fiscal responsibility, halting any plans for expansion at John Wayne Airport, and preserving and cleaning Newport Harbor.

The group will also keep a close watch on how plans for a new city hall are progressing, Croul said.

The group hopes to raise awareness on a variety of city issues in the months ahead by sending out e-mail alerts to residents, purchasing advertising and direct mail, Croul said.

The group’s founding members include former Newport Beach Councilman John Heffernan, former state Sen. Marian Bergeson, and America’s Cup champion and lead City Hall in the Park proponent Bill Ficker, according to the group’s website.

BRIANNA BAILEY may be reached at (714) 966-4625 or at
