
Hundreds wait for the Halos

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Leon Ebargaray has been a Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim fan for upward of 25 years, spanning two city name changes and three different owners.

And he has known sorrow during that time — he was there when late Angel Donnie Moore gave up the home run to Dave Henderson in the American League Championship Series in 1986 against the Red Sox that helped to deny the Angels their first pennant.

He also lived through the tumultuous ’90s that saw mostly last-place finishes and a 1995 season that went from a first-place frenzy to a bewildering collapse as the team finished second with no playoff appearance.


But Ebargaray is all smiles now with his team owning the best record in baseball. He celebrated the team’s successes at the Orange County Fair on Tuesday when five Angels showed up to sign autographs, take pictures and talk with fans at Angels FanFair day.

Fans like Ebargaray waited in a line of hundreds to get their chance to meet some of their favorite Angels.

“It’s worth it [to wait in line],” he said. “I am excited to see Rex Hudler because of his passion for the game.”

Former Angel Hudler, now an Angels TV and radio announcer, was on hand with current Angel all-star pitcher Joe Saunders, outfielder Reggie Willits, relief pitcher Darren O’Day and former Angel great Clyde Wright.

“I am excited to see all of the Angels that are here,” said Sheri Autrey of Glendora. “We love the Angels.”

Autrey’s son Kyle collects autographs, spending many a late night outside stadiums after games to get his favorite player’s John Hancock. He has about 50 baseball cards signed, and more baseballs autographed than he could count.

“There is no way I would miss this,” Kyle said.

Matthew, 8, and Maria Braatz, 6; and Connor, 8, and Morgan Gallegos, 10, didn’t mind battling the heat to wait to meet some more Angels.

Connor was excited to meet Willits because he had never met him before, and Matthew — who did a solid impression of him — was excited to hear Hudler speak. But little Maria was just happy to see any Angel.

“I’m excited, excited, excited,” she said.

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DANIEL TEDFORD may be reached at (714) 966-4632 or at
