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The Camp, Costa Mesa’s alternative shopping center, has been around for more than seven years. Cycle Werks has been there since the beginning. It’s safe to call the bicycle shop owned by former Olympic cyclist Paul Deem a biker’s heaven. Riders can find anything they’d ever want or need: locks, service, memorabilia, shoes and, of course, the bicycles themselves.

With gas prices the way they are and healthy living becoming a trend, interest in cycling has increased, and shops like Cycle Werks have taken notice. This week, the Daily Pilot decided to check in with Joey Carboni, the manager at Cycle Werks.

What is the current state of the cycling industry?


Here’s the thing about the cycling industry: Any time gas prices go up, people start cycling more.

Do you think the increase in cyclists has to do with increased health awareness?

Very much so. A lot of people want to get in shape. Instead of hopping in your car, why not get some exercise and go ride? People in Orange County usually live only five miles away from where they work so it’s easy to ride. I ride my bike to work [as] I’m only two miles away.

What are the advantages of cycling over other forms of exercise?

It’s more of a workout than running, but the best thing is that it’s less impact. Not to mention that you’re getting some fresh air.

Which bikes are selling the best right now?

Right now, the most popular are the fixed-gear bikes. [They have] no brakes, no gears, no true wheel. Beach cruisers, too, of course, since we’re near the beach. Road bikes, also. It’s a little bit of a lot of things that we do.

What do you like the most about cycling?

The people. It’s a great way to meet people. It’s the best way to network without a computer. And it’s a great way to stay in shape. Most of all, being in Orange County, we’re lucky — there’s no wintertime. You can ride around all year here.

Anything else you would like us to know about your shop?

We’re a one-stop shop. And it’s a family-oriented one. It caters to the kid who wants to try his first bicycle or a pro cyclist. Not only are we all avid cyclists, we all work together. You see familiar faces here.
