
Project Independence Open House

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We are having our Open House for our first “Home of Our Own” on Friday, September 26th, 2008 and we’d love it if you could come and have a hot dog, tour and visit for awhile. Since Vantage and Project Independence merged last July, we began to look for a place we could buy. As it turns out we found the perfect place across the sidewalk. Since our goal was to stay in Orange County and reduce our monthly expenses, a purchase was a long shot. But here we are and now we’d like to celebrate with our friends.

So mark your calendars from 11-2 on Friday, 9/26/08.

Take 405 to Harbor north to Sunflower, left to Cadillac and come straight into the Cambridge Park, around the traffic circle, keeping to the far left. Head back toward the freeway and follow the balloons.


See you then!
