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When I completed a draft of this column I forwarded it to several people for their comments, including a local rabbi friend of mine. I want to share his response with you.

He said: “I would really like you to talk about the essence of what it is to be a Jew. In ‘Jew,’ J stands for Justice, e for education, and w for worship. Judaism is based on this life and its focus is helping his fellow man. Christianity’s focus is more on the self and of getting to heaven. They are like two different sports: baseball and football. Jews often get upset when Christians see [Christianity] as the fulfillment of Judaism.

“Most Jews feel that the two religions emphasize different things. Like Jews have no concept of salvation or grace and emphasize obedience to Jewish law. There are many other differences too, like God has no body in Judaism and there is no concept of hell or the devil. I would like to discuss more about this with you in person.”


I am fully going to accept the rabbi’s invitation, and I plan to meet with him for a discussion in about two weeks. I have also invited several classes at Vanguard University to join us.

If you would like to meet with us as well, please e-mail me and I will give you the time and place.

Otherwise, I have learned that a Jew is not a race of people, because race is determined by genetics and cannot be changed. Instead, it is defined as either a person whose mother was a Jew, or someone who has gone through the formal process of conversion to the religion of Judaism. But Jews do see themselves as a “family,” and trace their descent from the Israelites of the Bible, or from others who were exiled from Babylon in the 6th century, B.C.

There is no specific dogma or formal set of beliefs that a person must have to be a Jew. To the contrary, it is mostly a religion of “good acts,” where a person must earn God’s forgiveness and favor. Nevertheless, Jews have and treat as holy the teachings of the Torah, which is a divinely inspired and hand-written parchment scroll that is so sacred that it is only kept in a synagogue, which is the Jewish house of worship.

To Orthodox Jews the Torah consists of only the first five books of the Old Testament. This is “the Law,” and it must be strictly followed in every respect.

Conservative Jews generally believe that the laws and traditions must be interpreted based upon the times, except that most observe some form of dietary rules (kosher) and other traditional practices.

Jews who are a part of the reform, liberal and progressive movements generally believe people can choose which particular traditions to follow. And many non-orthodox Jews believe that the Torah consists of the first five books of the Old Testament, which is “the Law,” as well as the next eight books, which constitute “the Prophets,” as well as the last books, which constitute “the Writings.”

To this many Jews add the oral teachings of the Torah, which is the Talmud and other collections of writings about Jewish law and traditions. The Talmud contains the arguments, debates, agreements and disagreements of tens of thousands of Jewish scholars who, over thousands of years, have studied each and every aspect of the biblical text in an attempt to distill the wisdom contained therein. One of the best known of these scholars is a 12th century scholar named Rambam, who wrote the “13 Principles of Faith.”

This widely accepted document basically teaches that there is only one God, who is unique, eternal and incorporeal, which is to say that he is not a physical being; that prayer is to be directed to God alone and no other; that the words of the prophets are true, and Moses is the greatest of the prophets; that the Torah was given to Moses directly by God; that God knows the deeds as well as thoughts of human beings, and will reward the good and punish the wicked; and that the Messiah will come.

Of course in many significant ways the religion of Christianity evolved from Judaism, since Jesus Christ was a Jew. But Christians believe Jesus as the Messiah and the Son of God was sent down to earth by God to die for the sins of mankind. By this act, Christians would be forgiven, and could obtain everlasting life by giving themselves to Jesus.

Like Jews, Christians believe in only one God, but they describe God as “Three persons in One.” Therefore God is the Father and Creator; God also is Jesus; and God is also the Holy Spirit, whose being is present as guide, comforter, wisdom and sustainer.

Jesus on the cross unconditionally reaches out to everyone in an attempt to reconcile each person to God as well as to one another. The central theme that makes reconciliation possible is forgiveness.

And when forgiveness is put into practice, it is life changing, and even world changing. Why? Because it can break the cycle of violence. At the same time, the contrary life of unforgiveness is a curse.

The three major historic divisions of Christianity are Roman Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant, and those have many, many subdivisions. The beliefs and practices of Christians come from the Holy Bible, which is a divinely-inspired combination of the Hebrew Scriptures (or Old Testament), and Christian writings (or New Testament).

But Jesus as revealed in the Bible is understood by most Christians as fully divine, and also fully human. His divinity means he is understood to part of “the Godhead,” which means that God is fully present.

His humanity means he was an historical figure who felt pain and joy. His teachings are given power by his willing death and his resurrection, which is a clear sign of God’s doing something new in the world. In fact, Jesus is often called “The New Adam” as a way of emphasizing the new beginning he signaled.

Most Christians believe that even though theirs is not a religion of “good acts,” “being Christian” also means that their faith should make a difference in their private as well as public lives.

Some denominations go so far as to have lists of “dos and don’ts.”

Others avoid lists, except for the Ten Commandments, and instead say to use the reason and intellect that God gave them to “be a little Christ” or to “follow the example of Christ.”

Therefore, most Christians believe that their experience of God’s love means they should reflect that love to others through forgiveness and acts of charity and mercy — both individually and for society.

This explains the many hospitals, orphanages and educational institutions that Christians have established.

JAMES P. GRAY is a judge of the Orange County Superior Court, the author of Wearing the Robe – the Art and Responsibilities of Judging in Today’s Courts (Square One Press, 2008), and can be contacted at or at his blog at
