
Duo sought for robbery of Newport Beach Chevron

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Police have released photos of two men who subdued a Newport Beach gas station cashier and stole money from the register before running away.

About 9:45 p.m. Oct. 3, two men walked into the Chevron gas station at 2546 E. Coast Hwy., just off of MacArthur Boulevard. While the first man grabbed a soda and pretended to want to buy it, his partner grabbed the cashier and held him while the first man snatched the cash drawer. After a brief struggle, the partner let go of the cashier and left as well, police said. The men made off with about $300, police said. The cashier was not seriously injured, police said.

Police gave the following description of the suspects: A 20-year-old male Latino, 6-feet tall, 200 pounds with black hair, a goatee and wearing a black, hooded sweatshirt, black shorts and white tennis shoes. The other is a 30-year-old male Latino, 5-foot-7, 140 pounds with brown hair, a gray, hooded sweatshirt, blue jeans and dark shoes.


Anyone with information may contact the Newport Beach Police Department at (1-800) 550-NBPD. Messages can be left anonymously.

— Joseph Serna
