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In his column (“The religions of Islam, Hinduism,” Sept. 21) James P. Gray stated that Muhammad received the Koran during the period from 610 to 623 B.C.E., but Muhammad was alive during that period A.D.

As a matter of fact, Muhammad borrowed certain ideas for the Koran from the Torah and from the Bible.

When comparing Christianity to Hinduism, Gray stated that in Hinduism, God is “inside each and every soul, waiting to be discovered,” while in Christianity, He is “a faraway God in some remote heaven.” Contrary to Gray’s understanding, the Bible teaches Christians that God is omnipresent (Psalm 139) and that when we receive Jesus Christ as our personal lord and savior, the holy spirit (God) comes to live in our hearts (John 14:15-17) to help us keep God’s commandments.


Should Gray address issues he is not expert in, he should contact someone who is. For this column, contacting an evangelical pastor well versed in the Bible and other religions, like Chuck Smith, would have kept errors out.


Costa Mesa


Anti-Rosansky mailer inspires donations

When I received that crummy hit piece on [Councilman] Steve [Rosansky], sent out by that patriotic citizen group from Newport Beach fighting under the banner of Newporters For Ethical Government, headquartered in Sacramento, I figured I should do a little more to help balance the scales.

I have forgotten what the rules are, but I think every individual can contribute up to $500. I have already given $250, thus I include another $250 for a total of a $500 contribution to Rosansky.

Janice feels as disgusted with the hit piece as I and wonders how and if the people in this town can possibly be influenced by such trash. Like me she hopes not but lends a hand in the form of a donation in the amount $500.

I think he [Rosansky] is worthy, even though I have never worked with him on a project, and I base my conclusion on his public persona, which is very positive.

