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Congress is considering another stimulus plan to jump-start the ailing economy. Many congressional leaders agree it’s important to get more money into the hands of everyday Americans, but they can’t agree on how to do that.

Some plans include infrastructure projects like road and school construction to generate new jobs, or tax breaks to help businesses hire more people, or just tax cuts. Do you think an economic stimulus package is necessary and, if so, what should it include?

Any further economic stimulus should be focused on investment rather than consumption and be targeted to solving employment problems.


We have severe physical infrastructure needs including deteriorating roads and bridges and inadequate mass transit. I would favor funding “ready to go” projects, especially those that favor U.S. businesses and manufacturers. An added benefit could be achieved if these projects meet energy savings and other environmental goals.

Stimulus could also be achieved through block grants or federal loan guarantees that enable local government to do building retrofits and invest in renewable energy.

Tinkering with the tax code has serious limitations as a stimulant since the resulting investments are not easily targeted and tend to go to the sectors with the best lobbyists.

Debbie Cook

Democratic candidate, 46th Congressional District

I’m very skeptical about “stimulus plans” that involve permanently increasing federal deficit spending.

I would support accelerating federal construction projects such as roads and bridges that have already been approved, so that the spending is done when we most need the economic boost, but total spending doesn’t increase.

I would also support temporary tax measures, such as suspending capital gains taxes on purchases within the next year of mortgages or foreclosed homes.

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher
