
MAILBAG: Voters should not be able to define marriage

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This refers to Brent Martini’s “Majority had its say on marriage” (Nov. 21).

To compare voting for a president with voting against an entire minority is preposterous. First off, in our democracy there are certain inalienable rights we as a people have.

According to Martini’s opinion, it should be all right if a majority now voted for an amendment stating that mixed racial marriages are no longer acceptable. There are just some issues that are not up for vote.

Martini also stated, “The majority of people chose to support upholding their definition of marriage ... “


What exactly is this definition of marriage? Does it include rapists and murderers who can now legally get married?

Should there be a majority vote for a litmus test like there is with immigration where you have to prove you are legitimately in love?

Right now you don’t have to be in love to get married, you don’t have to commit to having children and it doesn’t matter the age difference of the couple.

All it takes is for one male and one female, no reason, no background checks, nothing.

So please, someone share with me this “sacred” privilege for entry into this exclusive club.


Laguna Beach


Benefits of closing Forest Avenue to cars

As we revel in Hospitality Night, where we interact with friends old and new, take a moment to ponder how wonderful it would be to have a scaled down version every night, at a pedestrian mall on Forest Avenue between South Coast Highway and Glenneyre Street.

Every town that has done this has met with fantastic results.

Imagine a street full of life, with the four restaurants spilling into the open air, the mall accented with planters, benches and perhaps a stage at one end for occasional performances.

When I sit at 230 or Brussels Bistro or Pomodoro now, I see a parking lot on Glenneyre. It’s such a shame that we must subordinate the human experience to the car. Surely this is a senseless pass-through that clogs up southbound traffic on Coast Highway.

If Councilwoman Toni Iseman insists on a traffic impact study to get this done, I say yes.

Or better yet, let’s test it on a limited basis. How about closing Forest once a month for First Thursdays Art Walk “” a great place for patrons to end up after a tour of our galleries.

If successful, we can slowly expand to other nights, and then perhaps make it permanent. Then we can level the “parking lot” and replace it with cobblestone.

The issue always comes back to parking. Surely we can find a solution.

We created new spaces when the city opened the satellite parking. Or how about Iseman’s idea to move the bus station and convert that to parking? And most seem in favor of the long-stalled parking structure at the Village Entrance.

If funding is an issue, why not extend the half-cent sales tax now being levied for Bluebird Canyon for the three more years originally budgeted, but instead earmark it for the parking structure?

Or let a developer build it as mixed use, and have them shoulder the costs?

The net is, we are creative enough to find a way to replace the parking.

If thousands of locals can descend on downtown for a night of inspired revelry without a parking cataclysm, surely we can exchange the few dozen parking spots on Forest Avenue for a vibrant town center that inspires the human experience on our most beautiful commercial street.


Laguna Beach


Tax on churches could help economy

Let’s see, to help turn around the failing economy, taxpayers were given an economic stimulus rebate and $700 billion are being paid out to bail out bad mortgages, failing banks and maybe even the auto industry.

Where is all this money coming from?

I have an idea.

Now that they’ve poked their noses into secular matters, the time has finally come to tax church properties and incomes.

Appraise the Lord! Thank you, Father.


Laguna Beach

Washington elite are still in charge

Where’s the change?

Where is the promised “Change You Can Believe In” now?

From all appearances it was declared D.O.A. at the offices of President-elect Obama’s transition team.

Our president-elect should not be selecting those of Washington’s “Good Old Boys and Girls Club” to serve again in government’s top posts.

It is this perpetual clique of carrier politicians, insiders and political “hacks” who promoted policies and made decisions that helped to contribute to the ultimate creation and compounding of the current catastrophic economic and foreign policy messes being left by the Bush administration.

To solicit the services of those from the past of such “experience” and “wisdom,” may be a signal that the incoming administration may not be capable (or willing) to make real changes in our capitol’ city’s inbred and back scratching political culture.

I hope I am wrong.


Laguna Beach


Legislature not getting no-tax message

They don’t represent us.

Most of our so called Representatives in Sacramento are planning huge increase on taxes and fees, and to now tax various services that have never been taxed before and should never be taxed.

These tax-and-spend politicians, regardless of party, must be removed from office.

They do not represents hard working taxpayers and have spent our state into bankruptcy and have over-axed and over-regulated businesses forcing them leave our state taking our jobs with them.

Every newspaper should publish the names, political party and phone number of every state Legislature and Senator who supports any type of new tax or fee or any increase in existing taxes or fees.

This information should be published frequently on a front page until the politicians get the message.


Laguna Beach


Will gay gene doom fetuses of the future?

Ninety percent of all prenatals with Down’s Syndrome are aborted by the free election of their prospective parents.

In the shooting gallery of the future, will the gay gene fetus be the prize clay pigeon?

How odd survival for a persecuted minority should depend on starting life inside a mother who believes all human life beginning at conception is sacred!

Something to be thankful for this Thanksgiving?


Laguna Beach
