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In regards to the Piecemakers flying the flag, I feel very strongly that it is disrespectful and an insult to our country, our Founding Fathers and to all of the patriots who have served and given their lives for our country.

I don’t think that any patriot would knowingly spend a dime with such a business. The United States Flag Code states, “The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.”


Costa Mesa

Councilwoman needs to see the big picture


Costa Mesa residents should not worry that there is no accountability by the City Council when it comes to the Costa Mesa Senior Center.

I served many years on the Costa Mesa Senior Corporation board as one of the two city-appointed board members; I was there when they broke ground for the Senior Center. I continue to keep an ear open to what’s happening at the Senior Center and with the board.

The board was set up by the City Council with accountability to the city, and Councilwoman Wendy Leece knows or should know this.

Leece needs to look at the big picture, not create problems based on the chronic complaining of a few (and I do mean few, as in fewer than five) seniors.

While well-meaning, some of these few seniors have been complaining about one thing or another since before there even was a Senior Center.

As she did when she was on the Newport-Mesa School Board, Leece does not serve the whole population she was elected to serve, just the small contingents she chooses to create publicity for.


Costa Mesa

So, how much does a time machine cost?

Perhaps we should use the trillion dollars of bailout money to invent a time machine to take us back eight years and the fateful decision of the Supreme Court that gave George Bush the White House.

As events have evolved, he was reading “My Pet Goat” during 9/11, and he ends it with his legacy/revisionist history tour leaving us with the foul taste of the second Great Depression.

Could anyone fail upward as well as this man?


