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Regarding “Annexation put back on table,” Dec. 13:

AirFair has a suggestion regarding raising money by selling county land. How about the cities of Newport Beach and Costa Mesa (or one or the other) purchasing the back nine holes of the Newport Beach Golf Course from the county?

A number of months ago, citizens in the area were concerned about the possible use of the “back nine” as a rental car facility.

Golfers and neighbors have mainly had their fears assuaged by Supervisor John Moorlach’s assurances that the county has no intention of using the county land for such a purpose. However, the owner/operator of the front nine holes of the golf course, who currently leases the other half of the course from the county, has been on a month-to-month lease since his long-term lease expired some time ago.


The purchase would put to permanent rest any lingering fears that the county would use the land for airport-related purposes.

If Newport Beach or Costa Mesa actually owned the land and could undertake to lease it — long term — to the current owner it seems it would be a win for all concerned.

Assuming a price could be agreed upon, the sale of the property could provide some much-needed cash for the county coffers.


Newport Beach


Back-nine thoughts were on the money

Thomas S. Anderson’s letter (“Annex back nine and keep your word,” Dec. 15) is right on point.

Allowing the area south of Bristol Street to be annexed by Newport Beach will accomplish several objectives.

It will reunite the two sections of Santa Ana Heights, will release small unincorporated areas from Orange County expense, and will protect residential surroundings from airport expansion.

Supervisor John Moorlach needs to get behind this worthwhile action.


Senior center needs better management

The Costa Mesa Senior Center board and director live in a dream world. The center is not doing fine. Not even fair.

All finances should be made available to the city.

Heaven only knows what the board and Director Aviva Goelman do with the money.

If you want all the reasons why an investigation is necessary, I will list many reasons.

To say time is wasted dealing with Councilwoman Wendy Leece is insane. She is trying to resolve some problems the center has.

If seniors had a secret wish list or complaint list, you would be amazed at what you’d find.

The zinger is that Goelman has decreed that no petitions shall be circulated without her OK.

Whatever happened to that fundamental right?

I hope that a study is made ... to find out what is wrong with the center. Goelman has no experience running a center. I hear she got the job promising a large donation from a multimillionaire, which never happened.

A donation of about $600,000 has been squandered. The donor would be very upset if he was alive and take back the money.

