
Holidays brightened for Even Start

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Children in the Even Start Preschool Program and La Playa Center, and others, were treated to some “beary” special holiday events in December.

On Dec. 12, Lisa Fredette and her daughter, Sydney, brought 150 Build-A-Bears to the preschool, where they were distributed to the preschoolers, their siblings and low-income families in the community to help parents get presents for their children this holiday season.

By the end of the day all the bears had found good homes.

Santa Claus visited Dec. 16, when Bob Strum and his wife came bearing gifts and good cheer for the children.


Dec. 18 found the Even Start Preschool children singing seasonal songs at the annual holiday luncheon for the seniors at Legion Hall.

The seniors’ luncheon was organized by Patty Kost, Senior Center coordinator for the city of Laguna Beach. The event featured the children singing songs and giving original handmade cards to all the seniors. The children and their families then shared a luncheon with the seniors.

The week’s festivities culminated in the annual party with the Laguna Beach Police Department. In this event, the police officers bring gifts for each child and the parents of the children bring food to share with the officers.

“This is the one of the best times of the year for our children, parents and staff,” said Terry Anne Barman, preschool director.

“We all have the opportunity to share time with members of our wonderful community. It is so beautiful to see the children embracing the seniors and the members of our police department.”

The Boys & Girls Club of Laguna Beach also worked with Hobie Sports in Laguna Beach to find sponsors for 28 low-income club members to pay for gifts and help make the holiday season brighter.

Also, Coco’s Restaurant employees helped five of the club’s most needy families with Christmas gifts for all the children and parents.

“The generosity of all the members of our wonderful community has been amazing,” Barman said.

“This has been an exceptionally difficult year for our families due to the economic challenges facing our country.

“It has been wonderful to see how people have reached out to help others in need. It is the true spirit of Christmas at work.”

CINDY FRAZIER is city editor of the Coastline Pilot. She can be contacted at (949) 494-2087 or
