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I apologize to the Huntington Beach City Council. I made an erroneous assumption regarding the foreclosure funding.

Thanks goes to Councilman Keith Bohr. He took the time to speak to me and offered that the funding was completely from a law that sets aside 20% from our taxes for “affordable housing.” It includes the payment for staff members who support the program.

He also informed me that we could never catch up to the required infrastructure repairs. Every effort is made to do what we can but the neglect from prior years has reached a point where we simply cannot recoup the taxes spent elsewhere. This reminds me of the state’s gasoline taxes improperly diverted to the general fund while the state asked for special bonds (read loans) to fix the roadways. I accept that we cannot do all the repairs and hope that the council continues to make it a priority after health and safety while forgoing new adventures of any kind.


To paraphrase someone, a penny here a penny there before you know it, you have spent more than a penny. Or was it, “A journey starts with the first penny”?

Rod Kunishige

Huntington Beach
