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Course in Talmudic law offered

The study of Talmudic law can now be accessed by anyone, through “You Be the Judge II.”

In response to the successful turnout in 2006 for “You Be the Judge,” an interactive course allowing students to explore the Talmud’s thinking about civil law, the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute is launching “You Be the Judge II.”

The program presents students with real cases brought before Beit din, the court system of Jewish law, and compares Talmudic analysis with the contemporary approach taken in U.S. courts.


Topics include business ethics, property rights and employment practices, and each lesson provides an opportunity to question, discuss and argue based on principle and precedent.

“Perhaps you have been curious about the Talmud, but thought it was complex and inaccessible to anyone but scholars of the law,” said Rabbi Goorevitch of the Chabad Jewish Center.

“Perhaps you thought you needed to understand Aramaic or Hebrew to take part in the discussion. Not any more. Participants need no prior knowledge of the Talmud and no formal legal training. There are no prerequisites other than an open mind.”

The course will be offered at Chabad Jewish Center of Laguna Beach starting at 7 p.m. Feb. 11 for six Wednesdays. Cost for the course is $80 per person, or $144 for couples.

For information, visit or call the Chabad office at (949) 499-0770.
