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Job loss is becoming a daily headline. On Monday alone, 71,400 layoffs were announced nationally.

In times like these, it is said that a domino effect occurs. If fewer residents are employed, that means fewer residents will be spending money locally. Which leads to more job loss. What can those who still have jobs do to help?

Realize what you have. If you are employed, can feed your family and everyone has health insurance, count yourself blessed. This should help fight off the feelings of scarcity that exacerbate the domino effect.


Keep it local. Look at where you are spending the money you still have. Many communities are now issuing public service announcements to keep the cash flow local. Yes, you could buy that item on eBay for 20% less than what you would get at a local store, but that means your dollar also leaves this community, and its sales tax leaves with it. The amount generated back into the community climbs even higher with locally owned businesses. Roughly, studies show that for every dollar spent at a locally owned business, 45 cents comes back to the community, compared with 12 cents from chain retail stores.

Start planning now. Look at your finances and ask the hard questions. What would you do if x, y and z happened? How would you prepare? On the surface, these questions sound like worries. But when answers are found, it means you are better prepared for whatever lies ahead.

There really is no easy way to deal with the economic issues we face. There are, however, ways we can make things worse by overreacting, letting our dollars fly out of the community, and by not planning ahead. These things are in our control, which is the best place to start.
