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While it is steeped in old world tradition, the National Charity League experience has morphed into a program that inspires young women to take strong leadership roles in their schools, houses of worship, and communities at large.

This winter social season in Newport Beach witnessed the presentation to society of 19 young women who successfully completed years of comm- unity service alongside their mothers partici- pating in the Newport Chapter of the National Charity League Inc.

Founded in 1947 in Los Angeles, National Charity League Inc. has 149 chapters in 15 states nationwide. In addition to teaching leadership skills, one of its main purposes is to strengthen the bonds between mothers and daughters. Once in the program, the mothers, who are referred to as Patronesses, and the daughters, who are known as the Ticktockers, commit themselves to a rigorous schedule of community involvement over a multiyear period that begins at adolescence and runs through high school graduation.


The culmination of the experience is the debutante ball. While critics may charge that the tradition is elitist due to the cost of participation and the process of selection to join the group, it is a long-standing family ceremony that is a right of passage from generation to generation.

It signifies the coming of age of young women as they transition from home and high school and go off to college to begin a new phase of life. Hopefully these 19 young women who participated in the league’s debutante process will take with them on their journey lessons learned about contributing to society and helping others less fortunate.

Most important, however, these participants have learned what it means to be a loving and responsible parent as they have witnessed the service offered by their mothers that has also made a difference in their own lives and the lives of others. This fact perhaps more than any other may contribute to a stronger and better society at-large when these women choose to marry and have children of their own.

The 2008 National Charity League debutants gathered in the International Ballroom of the Hyatt Regency Irvine and were formally presented by Michael Villani.

The president of the Newport Chapter of National Charity League Kay Davis welcomed the crowd joined by Tina Newman, director of debutant activities producing a gala evening with music by the Jay Sterling Orchestra and breathtaking décor by the talented Andrew Gromek of Couture Flowers.

A dinner of chateaubriand followed by a dessert of chocolate Grand Marnier delighted the crowd witnessing their elegant young women adorned in the traditional white gown take their St. James bow and dance the night away ending one chapter of life and beginning another.

THE CROWD runs Thursdays and Saturdays.
