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This is in response to two letters in the Jan. 22 to 28 edition. Both these letters were from people “bothered” by the police helicopter.

As someone who worked at the Huntington Beach Police Department as a word processor for 20 years, I know the value of the helicopters.

One complainer was angry because the circling helicopter woke him. He lives “downtown,” where there is a lot of activity, police and otherwise. When the helicopter is circling and maintaining a pattern, its pilot is usually looking for anything suspicious.


That “pass after pass” may save the life of a neighbor or the writer of that letter. The helicopter can get across town in seconds, whereas it could take an officer several minutes. The helicopter is able to pick up heat sources on the ground. It can also light up the area to see who or what is in the area. The officer on the ground can only see so far, while the helicopter sees everything within that orbit.

The second complainer said the pilots would be “much more help in a black and white ... that works fine regardless of the weather.”

The above paragraph covers my answer to her also.

I’m sure the parents of the choking baby saved because the pilots were able to land in a neighborhood and render immediate help would agree the helicopter is well worth its weight in gold.

When you hear that helicopter “making passes,” you should be able to sleep well, as you’re probably very, very safe at that particular time.

SHIRLEY DAVIS is a Huntington Beach resident.
