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Editor’s Note: The following are in response to “Stroller class, city at odds” from Feb. 13.


It is ridiculous that we have come to a point where moms with baby strollers can’t come together in a public park and do a few exercises.

Oh! And I can just see those city workers watching the pretty, young moms through binoculars! They’re the ones who should be arrested as stalkers or peeping Toms!


Most of our parks seem to be empty most of the time except in the evening with youth leagues.

If the exercise group leaves the parks clean, what’s the problem? I’ve seen the ladies and their kids, and they don’t look like too rowdy a group to me.

Furthermore, they seem to be using the parks in the morning. At least that’s when I’ve seen them.

Next the city will be charging for unlawful gatherings without a permit, formerly known as ... family picnics!

While so many buildings are sitting empty, I guess we need the extra money to build our new city hall.

You go, girls! And achtung to the rest of us.


Public park rangers need to back off

Now I know why I was surrounded by a badge-wielding park ranger when I was training two of my lifelong friends and kids in the park using football tires and talking to them about skipping.

Next thing I know I have Miami Vice on me for using the public park to give “authorized” teaching. So why fight City Hall?

Instead of using their sacred Bob Henry Park, I will meander over to Mariners School. Newport, you can shove it.



Newport in over its head on parks

The city of Newport Beach has bitten off a larger issue than anticipated by singling out professional stroller classes and trying to control them through Parks and Recreation. What about dog walkers who also use city parks? What about the hired nannies who congregate in our city parks, sometimes using all available tables for food and toddler gear from midmorning until midafternoon? What about coaches who use public tennis courts?

Are city parks only for organized, scripted activities that have to be awarded permission by a board? Maybe we need a park police battalion with nightsticks to keep people off the pretty green grass.

On a personal note, I would have loved to have available a stroller class when I had three in diapers for a few years.

Less is more.

