
SURFING LAGUNA: Competing in Torrance

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This weekend the Laguna Grom Squad and I are headed up to surf a contest at Torrance Beach. The groms are excited as Torrance is another surf destination yet to be discovered and subsequently shredded.

I must admit that Torrance doesn’t always get my surf juices flowing quite like a trip to more glamorous northerly locales — Malibu or Rincon come to mind. However, as I took a quick mental inventory it became clear that the actual act of surfing in the contests is merely a piece (albeit a very important one) of the overall experience.

There’s figuring out where to stay — hotel room, RV or at a local surfer’s house.

Have you ever traveled with a dozen teenage groms? It’s equal parts hilarious, exhausting, messy, full of high drama, etc.


The night before the competition, it’s all about anticipation and strategies. How will the surf conditions be? Which team members will make it through their heats to the finals? Stories of previous events and performances get embellished for effect, and laughter rings out among the groms as they retell of past victories as well as defeats.

The morning of the comps begins at 5 a.m. Like pent-up Tasmanian devils, these kids are ready to burst out into the ocean and compete.

The remainder of the day is a blur of consoling, congratulating, prayers and fun as the groms’ memories are being formed before me.

Bring on Torrance Beach!

CHRIS WILLIAMS is the father of four surf-crazy sons, a surfing coach and Laguna Beach resident. He can be reached at or (949) 497-5918
