
Sexual abuse lawsuit settled

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A former student at St. John the Baptist School who claimed that a priest there sexually abused him in the 1990s has settled his lawsuit against the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange.

The terms of the diocese’s settlement with plaintiff Jonathan Kirrer, now 24, were not disclosed. His attorneys objected to publicizing them, though the archdiocese didn’t.

The Orange County District Attorney’s Office is investigating Kirrer’s claim that the Rev. Denis Lyons sexually abused him in 1994 and 1995.


Kirrer is pleased with the settlement and hopes to put the civil case behind him, said his attorney, V. James DeSimone.

“They [Diocese of Orange] wanted to resolve the case because we were about to embark on depositions of the highest church officials that would have shown they had notice that credible charges of molestation had been brought against Father Lyons prior to the time my client was molested,” DeSimone said. “From the victim’s perspective, civil litigation is very stressful. A settlement will allow for some degree of closure so he can move forward with his life.”

Archdiocese spokesman Ryan Lilyengren said the settlement money will come partly from insurance money and an administrative account. The agreement would not affect spending for the schools or the parishes, he added.

Lyons has been excommunicated from the church, Lilyengren said, but it is unclear whether the Vatican will defrock him. Orange County Diocese Bishop Tod D. Brown posted a letter to parishioners after the settlement was reached.

“Our faith is in large measure founded on the concept of forgiveness,” Brown stated. “As we pray and reflect during Lent, it is appropriate to demonstrate compassion for others while recognizing our own failings.

“I remain committed to doing all in my power to ensure that the mistakes of the past are never repeated and encourage all to pray for the victims of sexual abuse and their families.”
