
Vanguard given more time to present strategies

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Vanguard University received three more months to get its act together before the Western Assn. of Schools and Colleges will take any action regarding the college’s accreditation, school officials said.

In a prepared statement, university President Carol Taylor notified students of the organization’s decision to grant an extension after meeting with them Feb. 18. The university’s leadership has been shaken up in recent months, with the interim-President Wayne Kraiss and board of trustees Chairman T. Ray Rachels both stepping down.

Back in September, the association’s members visited the school to review its accreditation. While here, school officials revealed that their institution was in deep financial trouble, with annual revenue barely covering annual costs and a mounting debt of about $42 million.


“In granting a deferral, the WASC Commission recognizes Vanguard’s progress and has noted that this deferral provides the university a window of time to bring to fruition key initiatives that have been undertaken,” Taylor told students through the university’s website. “While we have much work to do, I am confident that we are taking the right measures to ensure a strong future for Vanguard.”

The board of trustees is scheduled to meet today and Friday, when they are expected to discuss measures needed to present a strong case for renewing accreditation in June.

— Joseph Serna
