
SURFING SOAPBOX: Tough times for those who park

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In the late ’90s, in the parking debacle of the Pribram household, three of my mom’s friends were ticketed in the driveway while playing in a heated bridge game. Actually it wasn’t the late ’90s — I just thought that sounded good. It was more like five years ago. I’m sure my mom will argue that.

And I know what you’re thinking — women drivers, they probably parked halfway in the street to deserve such tickets. But no, they were all just parked in the driveway. I actually can’t recall the reason given on the tickets as to the violation. Perhaps it was something along the lines of a bridge game infraction, or worse, a disgruntled bridge player turned them in for having too many cars parked in a driveway.

In any event I do believe the tickets were all rescinded.

My brother got a ticket once or twice parked in my parent’s driveway, but he was parked halfway in the street. His ticket or tickets were rescinded as well — but he was sentenced to parking school. (Just kidding.)


Parking is tough in Laguna. Even in the Pribram driveway. Rumors are floating around that my parents will now jump on the bandwagon in these hard times and begin charging my brother and I for parking. Or worse, one rumor had it that we would have to purchase a yearly permit to park in the driveway — just as the city offers.

Just a couple of days ago the city proposed putting in some meters on the block of Agate Street and Ocean Way. The neighborhood rallied as they always do, and thankfully our City Council listened and denied the request for meters. We don’t need more meters; we need to find better solutions to our parking problems and support for our local businesses, not make it harder for people to park.

So thank you, council, for listening to the residents.


JAMES PRIBRAM is a Laguna Beach native, professional surfer and John Kelly Environmental Award winner. His websites include AlohaSchoolofSurfing and ECOWarrior He can be reached at Jamo@Aloha
