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I have read the articles regarding Costa Mesa Mayor Allan Mansoor’s non-attendance at the recent town hall meeting in Costa Mesa featuring President Obama.

The mayor was widely reprimanded.

The mayor was open about his reasons and stood on his principles. He stated that he does not agree with Obama’s politics, and I am sure he did not want to imply he did by appearing at the meeting.

The city needs a mayor who can stand up to public pressure, and Mansoor is exactly the type of representative we want. He could have very easily gone to the meeting, stood around, smiled and achieved nothing. He would have been another face in the crowd and all that would have happened is that he would appear to agree with Obama’s agenda.


I would like to ask the people who were so indignant about this supposed “petty partisanship” if they have children. If so, do they encourage them to be polite and smile if they are being bullied by a bunch of kids at school? Do you make them attend school playtimes and insist that they smile if they observe others being vandalized? Do you tell them they are not in the position to disagree because they may not be popular? Or do you teach them to think for themselves? Do you as adults stand by and smile as someone is being robbed or do you intervene?

The writer of the article in the Daily Pilot stated that the city was in no position to say no to federal aid. I disagree. Federal aid comes with strings, webs of them, and should be the last resort in case of a major catastrophe, and even then I would watch out. Federal aid is not here to help the average person. Many of you are young and you don’t yet realize the freedom you have lost over your lives because of federal and state interference.

We in California have for the most part had a good life but it is disappearing very quickly. Over the past 15 years unions have made a huge comeback, and they heavily influence Obama and the whole administration and we are now going to pay a tremendous price.

I for one am thankful the city of Costa Mesa has a mayor who refuses to be “polite.”

ALEXIS L. CAVANAUGH lives in Costa Mesa.
