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The following is from the March 24 meeting of the Laguna Beach Unified School District Board of Education.


Facility repairs and unfunded projects

The board heard an annual report on the district’s Facilities Repair and Replacement Program for 2008-09.


The district has a total of $880,000 in unfunded projects at all four schools, including:

?$500,000 for restrooms, concession and athletic equipment storage at Laguna Beach High School’s Building P;

?$300,000 for a science wing walkway and second floor structural replacement at the high school;

?$70,000 for window replacements at El Morro Elementary School; and

?$10,000 for air conditioning at the high school’s classrooms 89 and 98.

The district has completed projects totaling $34,500 and is in the process of completing $298,000 worth of projects at the school campuses. The costliest project is a $65,000 stadium sound system replacement at Laguna Beach High School.

The district is looking for community members to participate in an oversight committee for the Facilities Repair and Replacement Program, since the committee now has only one member.

Summer school revisions

The board approved a pilot revised course of instruction for the 2009 summer school program for ninth through 12th grades. The revisions are designed to increase student course options during the school year, as well as improve the transition to high school for incoming ninth graders.

Courses to be added in summer 2009 are:

?world geography;

?human ecology;




?calculus preparation (no credit); and

?9th grade transition support (no credit).

A SchoolPower grant of $15,000 will pay for the pilot program.

Revised expulsion plan

The board approved a revised district plan for expelled students, outlining what behavior could result in student suspension or expulsion from school and the process of suspension or expulsion, including a plan for special education students.

The plan was developed to fulfill the requirements of the state education code.

Cafeteria fund in the red

The district’s Cafeteria Fund was $34,457.35 in the red “” but only temporarily, Assistant Superintendent for Business Services Norma Shelton reported.

Financial reports showed the district spent $388,243.30 for salaries, supplies and other items, but only took in $353,082 in revenue.

Shelton said the shortfall was due to federal and state receipts that had not yet been received and a cash deposit in the bank that had not yet been posted.

Shelton said $105,328 was in transit and was deposited after Feb. 28, which was the cutoff for the monthly financials.
