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I want to compliment all of the residents who attended the council meeting Tuesday for their patience and polite demeanor during the long public hearing on the proposed changes to the Property Maintenance Regulations and to the Zoning Code.

Many times over, the speakers calmly explained that they chose living in Costa Mesa over other cities because of their desire to be able to enjoy and use their private property as they wanted. Some told us they intentionally bought their home because it had a concrete slab where they could keep an extra car or an RV or boat.

It’s clear to me that these residents enjoy very much their free time spent with their toys — RVs, boats, etc. It showed in their courteous behavior and willingness to give up an evening to argue for their property rights before the council. They just wanted some clarity and honest answers about how their quality of life would be affected if these new rules were approved.


I’ll admit: I found the three reports and charts very confusing too. I had to read them several times to figure out what changes to the present code were being proposed.

I have asked City Manager Allan Roeder if next time something like this comes up we can please have it in “plain” English to help those of us who are “challenged” by the technical jargon and charts.

To have so many people speak to the council, and not have one person support the proposed changes is also remarkable. Nearly all who spoke and those who wrote e-mails indicated they oppose any “Irvinization” of Costa Mesa or remaking Costa Mesa into “Mirvine.”

I knew this idea was poorly conceived when it came to us last October. I couldn’t figure out what solving a street parking issue with group homes had to do with RV parking. That is why we sent it back to the Planning Commission. Unfortunately, no one showed up at the Planning Commission study session on Feb. 2 or the March 9 Planning Commission meeting to oppose the code changes. But that’s OK.

We’re the elected officials so the buck stops with us. It was a healthy debate and time well spent. Now we know what our residents don’t want: government telling them what and where to park on their own property.

Granted, there are some situations where residents could use canvas covers (as was recommended by one speaker) to camouflage unsightly cars, etc. But if neighbors have a gripe about a situation in their neighborhood, they should try to work it out with the neighbor. Each situation is unique. We don’t need to make more rules for everyone to obey.

I hope some of the residents who came to the council meeting and wrote will continue to stay involved and watch what is going on at both the planning and the parks and recreation commissions as well at the City Council.

Their comments and ideas will help us truly understand the hearts of Costa Mesans as we move ahead. I’m proud of the many courteous people who spoke and wrote to us who come from all walks of life and have many recreational interests. Not everyone needed the concrete slab for an RV. Many had relatives living with them who needed the space to park a car so it isn’t parked on the street.

I’m thankful that our residents used the democratic process this week to tell us how much they value their property rights and the freedom in Costa Mesa to enjoy their homes, families and recreational toys as they wish.

WENDY LEECE serves on the Costa Mesa City Council.
