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If anyone ever had come up with the idea of making a musical comedy out of Maxwell Anderson’s “The Bad Seed,” they probably would have been excommunicated from the theater. But that grim play makes a great inspiration for the first act of “Ruthless! The Musical,” now on stage at the Newport Theater Arts Center.

“Ruthless!” is a superbly satirical slap at show business from Joel Paley (book and lyrics) and Marvin Laird (music) that rakes not only “The Bad Seed” over the coals in its first act, but goes on to disembowel such other favorites as “All About Eve” and “Gypsy” in the second.

The Newport production, deliciously directed by Jack Millis in a welcome return to his old theater home, spotlights one of Orange County’s stellar musical theater talents (Adriana Sanchez) while introducing another (Courtney Mauss) whose vocal power and showmanship belie her mere 11 years on this planet.


Together, as mother and daughter, they’re dynamite as first young Tina Denmark (her “Bad Seed” inspiration’s name was Rhoda Penmark) takes out her rival to win the leading role in a school play, then Mama Judy, a chirpy homebody, discovers she possesses inherited talent and turns into a demanding diva on Broadway.

Sanchez always makes a show well worth the admission price, and here she does double duty, pressing the satirical pedal to the metal first as the demure and “untalented” housewife, then reigning over Broadway as a combination of Margo Channing and Mama Rose.

Her singing voice, as usual, rocks the rafters.

The bonus in the Newport production is Mauss, all sweetness and light on the surface with a murderous heart and a vocal talent well beyond her years. Few young ladies of that vintage could pull off such a triumph, and director Millis must share credit for an amazing characterization.

A third superb voice comes from Rachel McLaughlan as the frustrated director of the school play (who reappears in the second act as an inquiring reporter). Her rendition of the solo “Teaching Third Grade” packs considerable power and repressed passion.

Lona Walker as the girl’s malevolent agent may not have the vocal pipes of these three, but she functions firmly in the role.

A particular treat is Annakate Mohler as Mauss’ rival in the school show and, later, as Sanchez’s ambitious assistant (aptly named Eve).

Enormous credit must be bestowed on Janet McGregor not only for selling her lone big number as a caustic critic (“I Hate Musicals”) but, on opening night, for doing so while a medical emergency was transpiring directly in front of her in the first row. The show must go on, indeed.

For one who once directed “The Bad Seed” on that very stage, references to the Anderson play are loud and clear — a radio announcer is “Max Anderson” and the name “Monica Breedlove” is tossed in, along with several plot points from the drama.

Set designer Andrew Otero has fashioned two complete backdrops for this double-edged sword of a show, altered at intermission, and Tom Phillips’ costumes are terrific. Musical director and lone accompanist Benjamin Sagan keeps the tempo brisk and lively.

“Ruthless! The Musical” may be thoroughly enjoyed by those not familiar with the source material, but it’s packed with bonus laughs for those who are.

And some of the voices in the all-female (almost) cast are to die for.

If You Go

WHAT: “Ruthless! The Musical”

WHERE: Newport Theater Arts Center, 2501 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach

WHEN: 8 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays, 2 p.m. Sundays until July 3

COST: $20

CALL: (949) 631-0288

TOM TITUS reviews local theater for the Daily Pilot. His reviews appear Fridays.
